Minimal Logo Design Technique #1: Change Letter Coloring

Ling ZhangLing Zhang
Minimal Logo Design Technique #1: Change Letter Coloring

To create a minimal yet unique logo design, you don't need any complex design skills. One simple but effective technique is change one or few letter's color in your logo name. By highlighting the color of the letter, you can draw people's attention to the key part of your branding. For example, the famous foundr logo fills the letter r with a highlight red color, while Intel's logo only adding brand blue to the small dot of the letter i.

Take a look the famous logo examples above. What do they have in common? These famous brand all highlight one or few different letter to a different color in the brand name to create a unique brand identity. Today we are going to show you how to use uBrand's AI Logo maker to change letter coloring of your logo name. Let's get started!

Individual Letter Coloring

Inspired by the famous foundr or intel logo design, this technique applies a distinctive color to one letter of the brand name to make this letter stand our from the rest of the text. This method create a focus point to give people a very lasting impression. 

For example this logo template 'FOLK' highlight the special letter o to yellow to create a very unique logo design.

You can design similar style logo using uBrand editor by taking the following steps

Step1: In your logo editor, navigate to the upper left corner select "Letter Split".

Step2: Click on individual letter to apply the desired color to that specific letter.

Multi-Letter Coloring

Instead of just changing one letter color of your brand name, you can also choose multiple color for each letter to create a much more dynamic and vibrant brand personality. For example, tech giants Google and eBay each letter has a different color to represent their wide range of products and services.  However, you'll want to choose the color palette carefully avoiding to make the overall design messy and overwhelming. 

👇 Now try it yourself

Here are some additional DIY logo templates for creating your own color logo design. Simple click open the design, change to your own brand name, and experiment until you find the design you love.


To wrap it up, we've provided these tips and templates for your to explore and design your own color logo design. Experiment with different designs with uBrand until you discover the one that perfectly resonates with your brand.


uBrand is an AI-assisted branding platform that helps entrepreneurs create and launch new brands.
