Make Multiple Logo Variations From Logo jpg File

Make Multiple Logo Variations From Logo jpg File

Logo variation is a reformatting of your main logo into another format. The key is that your variant is still recognizable and appropriate for your brand, but gives you the option to use it throughout your content and marketing materials.

Why do you need different versions of the logo? Of course, it is best to use different versions of the logo depending on the format and available space this would be the ideal scenario. It is important for each variation to be consistent and still match the rest of the brand identity. Here's how the uBrand logo variants work and when to use them.

Create Logo Variations on uBrand

uBrand's Brand Kit Generator allows you to get logo variations for your brand to match your social media cover and profile designs! Let's see the steps on how to get logo variations.

Upload Main Logo

The steps are very simple, you just need to upload your main logo. uBrand brand kit generator automatically generates all kinds of logos for you, which are categorized as transparent logo, main logo, grayscale logo, monochrome logo, inverted logo and logo symbol. Next let's go over what these logos are used for one by one.

Transparent Logo

A transparent logo is a version with transparent background of the main logo. When you want to use your logo on an image or a colored background, you don't have to worry about your logo background blocking over the image. Here are some situations where a transparent logo can be applied.

Main Logo(Primary Logo)

Your main logo is the one you will use most often. This is the main logo you will use on your website header, business cards, marketing materials, branding collateral, etc. Your primary logo should contain your full brand name. Usually we set the background of the main logo to white, so that the situation is also mostly applied to a white background. Although in many cases, transparent background logos have replaced the use of the main logo. But it is still the most basic logo.

Greyscale Logo

Grayscale logos are logos in shades of grey. These colors include white, black, grey, and more. Grayscale logos come in only one color. The point of this design is to provide a neutral visual that is simple and instantly readable on many different backgrounds and platforms. Often brands modify their logos to grayscale logos if the logo needs to be added as an embroidery on clothes, engraved on metal jewelry, or for National Mourning Day, when they need to memorialize some historical event.

Mono Logo

Monochrome is a graphic design term for a color scheme that uses only one color. For example, if you want to create a monochromatic logo in blue, you can use any shade of blue, both dark and light, but no more than that. Monochrome logos are used in situations where printing technology is limited, or to simplify the logo color in an appropriate background.

Inverted Logo

An inverted logo is a visual representation in which symbols, shapes or entire scenes are reflected in opposite colors. Sometimes these elements may not be visible or easily distinguishable when the logo is placed on a dark background. This is when the logo needs to be inverted. Inverting the colors makes the logo brighter on a dark background.

Logo Symbol

A logo symbol is a graphic version of a logo. This is because it provides a small visual image that is very flexible. Almost every online brand has an icon for a website favicon (the brand icon on the left side of a search engine listing) or a social media avatar (a small image in a profile). Another very common use of logo symbol is website favicon and app logo, which you can also use to repeat patterns on business cards and add additional branding to graphics such as Instagram posts and images, YouTube videos or story images.

About AI Branding Platform

uBrand's AI branding platform is a tool that helps entrepreneurs build their brands. With a user-friendly interface, the platform also enables efficient online brand asset management. The platform offers multiple logo variants to ensure that brands remain consistent while adapting to different situations where the brand is all that matters.

This is all about logo variation. Share your reviews and insights with us because we are committed to being your ideal partner on the journey of brand creation. With uBrand, let's make your brand shine together!


uBrand is an AI-assisted branding platform that helps entrepreneurs create and launch new brands.
